ONLINE Class Pack: 4 private lessons.

ONLINE Class Pack: 4 private lessons.

from $299.96

We are glad that you want to continue learning with us!

You can select to have from 1-hour to 2-hour long classes.

When we receive your purchase, we will be in touch to schedule a day/time for these classes. We will strive to be as flexible as possible and accommodate your schedule.

This class pack expires in 3 months from the day of purchase.

* Ticket valid for 90 days (starting from the date of sale).

*Cancelations with less than 48 hours notice will be subject of a $35 fee.

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To schedule your class, please contact us before or after making the purchase. We will work together to find the best available day for you!

* If you need to cancel or reschedule the class, let us know with at least 48 hours notice. Any shorter notice will be subject of a $35 fee.

* Ticket valid for 90 days (starting from the date of sale).